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Find an OBGYN in Atlanta and Alpharetta, GA to treat my yeast infections

Find an OBGYN in Atlanta and Alpharetta, GA to treat my yeast infections

Many women will develop UTIs or yeast infections throughout their lives

OBGYN provides more than just annual wellness visits to Atlanta and Alpharetta, GA. Women also turn to their OBGYNs when they experience other issues as well. One reason women may make an appointment with their women’s physician: pain or itchiness in the vaginal area. Often, these can be signs of a urinary tract infection, or UTI, or a yeast infection. We’ll cover the difference between them and how your OBGYN can help.

UTI symptoms and treatments

UTIs occur when bacteria enters the uterine tract. This can be caused by many things such as having sex, wiping back to front after a bowel movement, from kidney stones, or even not emptying your bladder completely when you use the restroom.

UTIs can have cause many symptoms, but the most common is pain while urinating. You may also have a frequent, sudden urge to go to the bathroom. Blood in the urine or cloudy urine can also indicate a UTI. Your OBGYN or regular doctor can diagnose this issue and provide treatment, usually in the form of antibiotics.

Yeast infections

Yeast infections occur when there is an overgrowth of fungus in moist areas such as the vagina, mouth, throat, or gut. Vaginal yeast infections are the most common type, with nearly two-thirds of women getting one at some point in their lifetime. Your OBGYN can diagnose a yeast infection through an examination and a culture test.

There are many factors that can contribute to the development of a yeast infection. Douching, wearing tight underwear, recently taking antibiotics, and even pregnancy can put women at risk. Signs of a yeast infection include itching, vaginal discharge that resembles cottage cheese, and pain or burning during urination. If you experience these symptoms, don’t hesitate to make an appointment with your OBGYN right away.

Your OBGYN may recommend the use of over the counter ointments or creams. For advanced cases, prescription antifungal medication may be prescribed. You can also ask your OBGYN for suggestions on ways to help prevent the infection from reoccurring.

OBGYN in Atlanta and Alpharetta, GA

Atlanta and Alpharetta, GA women see their OBGYN every year for an annual exam. But, that’s not the only time women should make an appointment. Georgia OBGYN can help diagnose and treat other issues as well, one of them being yeast infections and even urinary tract infections. If you experience any of the symptoms described above, be sure to make an appointment with your Georgia OBGYN as soon as possible. Just like other illnesses and diseases, early diagnosis is important to successfully treat these issues.

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