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Help me find a women’s specialist for breast cancer in Atlanta and Alpharetta, GA

October is breast cancer awareness month

Women’s specialist are the first person Atlanta and Alpharetta, GA women turn to when they have health concerns. Especially if they have concerns about their breast health.

October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month in the United States. Soon, pink ribbons will start appearing, working to remind women, and men, the importance of early detection of breast cancer. Sadly, one out of every eight women in America will be take steps to detect it early. After all, early detection plays an important role in helping women beat breast cancer.

Breast cancer has many signs

Breast cancer can present a variety of different symptoms. That’s why it is so important that women frequently check their breasts for signs. Common symptoms of this disease include a lump in the breast, changes in the shape or size of your breasts, inverted nipples, milky or bloody discharge from your nipple, and breast soreness or sensitivity.

If you experience any of these symptoms or are concerned about a change, contact your women’s specialist. They will perform an examination and any tests necessary to diagnose it and treat it. BY making an appointment quickly, you can give yourself peace of mind.

Women’s specialists play an important role in early detection

Women should visit their women’s specialist at least once a year for a wellness exam. This exam plays a key role in the early detection and prevention of various diseases, including breast cancer. Your doctor will perform a breast exam at your appointment to check for signs of breast cancer.

Another way women’s specialist work to detect this disease early is by recommending regular mammograms to women. Women who have a family history of the disease may need to have mammograms earlier than other women without family history. This test takes an image of your breast tissue so your doctor can see any problems.

Be open about your family history

If breast cancer runs in your family, it’s important you share that with your women’s specialist. By knowing your family history, your doctor can take extra steps to help detect this disease early.

Women’s specialist in Atlanta and Alpharetta, GA

Atlanta and Alpharetta, GA women who haven’t had a wellness exam in a while should make an appointment with a women’s specialist at Georgia OBGYN. Our friendly and knowledgeable physicians have been keeping local women healthy for more than 30 years.

Be sure to join us next week to learn how you can do a breast self-exam at home. This test can help detect issues that may arise between annual visits.

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