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Atlanta women’s OBGYN provides quality prenatal care

Atlanta women’s OBGYN provides quality prenatal care

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OBGYNs provide women with prenatal care 

Atlanta women’s OBGYN at Georgia Gynecology and Obstetrics, provide Atlanta, GA area women with quality care for a variety of women’s health issues and concerns. But, one of the more exciting times a woman may visit their OBGYN is when they become pregnant. During this time, women will need to make regular visits to their physician beginning when they realize, or start to suspect, they are expecting.

Regular visits are important to having a healthy pregnancy

Once you become pregnant, you’ll need to schedule your appointment with an Atlanta women’s OBGYN. During this initial visit, you physician will confirm your pregnancy and perform a physical for you where they’ll check your vitals and your weight. They’ll also use this time to discuss some health things you may need to start doing, like taking vitamins and diet changes. This is also a good time to discuss any questions or concerns you have right away.

As your pregnancy progresses, you’ll make regular visits to your Atlanta women’s OBGYN. These continued visits, which increase in frequency the further along you are, are used to monitor your health, and your baby’s health and help you have as healthy of pregnancy as possible.

At your prenatal appointments, you doctor will check your weight and vitals, just like a regular doctor’s appointment. But, they’ll also perform ultrasounds as needed an to hear the baby’s heartbeat. They will also measure your stomach to monitor your baby’s growth. Be prepared for your Atlanta women’s OBGYN to feel your stomach as well, this helps them check the position of the baby.

Be sure to have ask your doctor if you have questions or concerns

Pregnancy, though an exciting time, is a time of great change. Your body goes through many changes which may be scary or uncomfortable for you. Be sure to have an open dialog with your OBGYN. If you have questions, concerns, or aren’t sure what to expect next, ask. Your physician will be happy to answer any questions you have and help ensure you’re as comfortable and confident as possible throughout your pregnancy.

Atlanta women’s OBGYN in Atlanta, GA

Atlanta, GA area women who are looking for a doctor for prenatal care, should consider making an appointment with the physicians at Georgia OBGYN. These Atlanta women’s OBGYN provide quality care throughout your pregnancy, including those who have a high risk pregnancy. With regular visits as prescribed by your OBGYN, you can monitor both your health and the health of your baby. Contact us today to learn more about our physicians or to schedule your first appointment. We look forward to meeting you.

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