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OBGYN in Atlanta, GA offers annual wellness exams

OBGYN annual visits are an important part of staying healthy

OBGYN in Atlanta, GA

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OBGYNs play an important role in keeping women in the Atlanta, GA area healthy. Regular, yearly visits to your Gynecologist can help catch problems early and prevent health issues from recurring. Find out when you should start seeing an OB/GYN and what you can expect at your visit.

Annual visits should begin at age 15

Yearly physicals with your doctor are something many people, men and women, boys and girls do. But, it is important that girls and women start paying annual visits to an obgyn starting around age 15. These appointments, often referred to as annual wellness checks, check for a variety of health issues and provide valuable information when it comes to your body.

Your appointment will begin by checking your vitals

It’s normal to be nervous before visiting any kind of doctor, especially if you’re visiting a specialist. But, a wellness appointment with your OBGYN starts just like any other doctor visit. Your OBGYN will begin with your weight and height, followed by a check of your vitals.

Next, your doctor will perform a breast exam to check for lumps and other abnormalities. Regular breast exams are essential to early detection of breast cancer. Your OBGYN may then perform a pelvic exam which checks your internal and external reproductive organs. A pap smear may also be performed, yearly, depending on your age and history.

What your doctor checks for and what tests they perform vary based on your history and age. Your doctor will discuss how the exam will go as they start, but feel free to ask any questions you have when you have them.

Take time to voice any questions or concerns you have

Your annual wellness check is also an ideal time to bring up any questions or concerns you may have. Whether it be a discussion about going on birth control or a concern you have about something you’ve experienced, bring it up. Your doctor is happy to answer these questions and looks forward to having an open dialog with you.

Atlanta, GA OBGYN

Atlanta, GA women who need a new OBGYN, or who have never seen one and are looking for a trustworthy place to go, should consider Georgia Obstetrics and Gynecology. Our team has served the Atlanta area for over thirty years. Offering everything you need, from annual wellness exams to STD testing and more, you’ll find everything you need to stay healthy in one place. Contact us today to schedule an appointment. 

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